Judeo-Christian Sharia Law Taking Over America
Why Do Americans Ignore Judeo-Christian Sharia Law?
The basic definition of Sharia Law is any law based on a prophetic religion. Both Judiasm and Christianity are prophetic religions, just like Islam. While many American conservatives want you to believe that Sharia Law only exists in Islamic countries, the fact is that America is becoming inundated with Judeo-Christian Sharia Laws, especially those regarding abortion.
If we continue to ignore their religious arguments, Judeo-Christian
Sharia Law will completely take over America.
Having been raised in an ultra-conservative Christian church, I have
heard their arguments, all of which are flawed. While some people might argue
that their beliefs are secular, not religious, many people do not recognize that religious views are often presented to appear as secular arguments. We must recognize that it is the religious ideology that feeds the ultra conservatives' fanatical obsessions against
women, especially against allowing women to make our own decisions.
A biblical argument many conservatives use is a quote from the book of Jeremiah,
Chapter 1, verse 5: “Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, and before you
were born I consecrated you; I have appointed you a prophet to the nations.”
Actually, many quote the first part, and ignore the second, primarily because
this phrasing is supposed to be words directly from the Judean god, Yahweh, to
Jeremiah to reassure the doubting Jeremiah that he is, indeed, an unusual
person—so unusual that god knew him “before…the womb” and so unusual that he
was consecrated (made sacred) before birth—all to prove that Jeremiah is, indeed, so unusual
that he is destined to be a prophet. The implication in this passage is that
Jeremiah is so unique that god “knew him” before he was even conceived, so that
this kind of pre-conception consecration by god was only bestowed on
Jeremiah—not on every zygote or fetus; otherwise, we would all be prophets, according to Jewish beliefs.
Since so few people, including Christians, read biblical text in
context, few doubt this “word of god” as proof that “the unborn is a person”
(quoted from an online “bible” source), despite the fact that at least 5 out of every 100 pregnancies ends in miscarriage (and women in some Catholic countries have been arrested and convicted of murder for having had miscarriages). In fact, every single quote about
pregnancies in the bible refers specifically to unique people who become
prophets, which should indicate to Christians that only those who are destined
to be prophets get any sort of godly recognition.
Of course, their counter-argument to such a claim is that we never know
when such a prophet-to-be fetus will get such recognition, so we should protect
them all, begging the question, and assuming that the god they worship is so
unassuming as to allow one of his prophets to be aborted—which does not, of
course, display any confidence in their god's abilities to protect his own.
One additional biblical quote used to argue that fetuses should be
treated the same way the murder of a breathing human being is treated comes from Exodus
21: 22-25: “If men who are fighting hit a pregnant woman and she gives birth
prematurely but there is no serious injury, the offender must be fined whatever
the woman’s husband demands and the court allows. But if there is serious
injury, you are to take life for life, eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for
hand, foot for foot, burn for burn, wound for wound, bruise for bruise.” Of
course, many of the people who quote this passage refrain from using the words
after “life” because those words obviously point to an adult with teeth, thus
to the mother, not to a fetus. If knowledgeable Judeo-Christians read this
passage in context, they would realize as much, but, again, too few people read bible passages as part of a whole, believing that taking statements out of context is perfectly acceptable.
It is by resorting to lies and to the purposeful omission and even twisting of biblical
wording that these Judeo-Christian fanatics have managed to convince so many
people that their beliefs are just cause for creating laws that limit women’s
choices, threatening our freedom, and damaging our abilities to care for ourselves, let alone to care for our
Until we directly confront these sets of Judeo-Christian Sharia Laws as
they are being forced on the American people, many will assume that their views
are accurate Judeo-Christian views, thus justifiable law in what a few ultra conservatives see as “a
Christian nation.”
Despite the first amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which guarantees that the government cannot create a national religion, ultra conservatives
are methodically working their way toward instating Christianity as this
county’s national religion.
It is up to us to confront these Judeo-Christian Sharia Laws as what
they really are—attempts by masculinist factions using Judeo-Christian wording
to deceive the people in order to limit women’s rights in America.
Please push your congressional representatives, both state and national, as well as your governors to Trust Women and to oppose Judeo-Christian Sharia Law in America.
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